On Thursday, August 21 at 1:30am my water broke and at 10:53pm that night I was looking into the beautiful blue eyes of my baby girl. We named her Olivia Wren. Everyone thought that we were having a baby boy except for my mother. She was a wonderful surprise! She's healthy, alert, strong, and extremely beautiful. Travis and I are so truely blessed to have her. So far, she's been sleeping well at night and eating very well! I love being a mom - giving birth to her was by far the most amazing experience of my life.

Baby Anderson has arived

Olivia Wren Anderson arrived at 10:53pm on August 21, 2008. I was in labor for 22 hours, but could not get dilated past 4 cm, so I had a c-section late in the evening. Olivia weighs 7 lbs 15 oz and is 21 inches long. I know she is an Anderson because she sleeps and eats very well. Look out Carrie Walsh, Olivia is the next Beach Volleyball Olympian (Gold Medal, of course). Here are some pictures of our bundle of joy. Travis says we are moving to the boondocks, and he is saving up for a shotgun and gun vault.

In Labor

My water broke around 1:30 am, and I am now at the hospital. The Dr. says it will be a long day since I am hardly dialated. But the baby will be here sometime today 8-21-08.

Only 2 weeks until Sept. 4th! Travis and I are so excited about our little baby. i think that we've decided on Olivia Wren and Chase Howell for names. My bags are all packed and the nursery is ready - we are just waiting for Baby Anderson to make its arrival!